Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Chapt 3 - April

Wow, it is really great to read every ones comments from last month. I see a common theme running through most of the posts. Now we need to take it to the next level raising the bar for Service excellence and making AHS a great place to work!

Enough digression on to Chapt 3 overview :)

How to Align an Organization
The five pillars provide the foundation for setting organizational goals and direction for service and operational excellence. These pillars also provide the framework for an evaluation process.
  • People
  • Service
  • Quality
  • Finance
  • Growth
The nine principles provide a road map to achieve goals under the five pillars.
Principle 1: Commit to Excellence.

The service pillar is usually the last pillar to see improvement!


Misc. said...

I really liked the analogy of the Nine Principles being a road map like a clinical pathway. Being a nurse & using clinical pathways in my past work life this makes sense. It makes it easy to measure success when you have clear goals.
I also was intrigued by using the five pillars for dept meeting agendas. I plan on trying this at my team meeting tomorrow.
Kathy A

Anonymous said...

The concept of the 5 Pillars and how interdependent results are in all 5 was intriguing, yet in reality, make perfect common sense! One thing that was a little disheartening to hear is that the last pillar to usually show improvement was the Service/Patient Satisfaction pillar. But it does go to show how truly important it is that EVERY encounter the patient has is an excellent one. I also liked the discussion about how the organization must create a culture where employees feel valued and recognized, but that in the end, personal happiness is up to each individual.

brenda b said...

Chapter 3 Principle 1 Commit to Excellence I liked how he gave such specific goals under each pillar and as the results are achieved in the end they all affect one another. I also agree with how he credited the staff by allowing them to accept the award instead of the executives and the staff was able to share what they were doing in their department giving them a sense of worth and what they do really does matter

tracy a said...

I highlighted the part that says "As a leader, the goal is to hardwire excellence so that sustaining is not dependent on one or a small group of individuals. It is my goal to make excellence a mindset in the NICU and that it becomes the cultural norm for anyone who works here.
Tracy A.

Anonymous said...

I found chapter 3 hard to get into. I understand the need for measurable goals and I was really impressed at how the goals under the different pillars affected each other. I agree with Cindi that it is very important to have employees feel valued and recognized. It all makes sense, but how do we really make a change?

Anonymous said...

In Chapter 3 Commit to Excellence I enjoyed reading about the synergy of the pillars because I think sometimes it is heard to identify which pillars certain initiatives fall under. The chapter talks about how they flow into each other --quality leads to growth and finance, and on. Set target goals and identify strategies to start moving to excellence.